Saturday, January 26, 2008

Forest Whitaker's Wonky Eye Blends with His Troll Face

What the fuck is this? This is the second black dude I've covered today! The only real criteria for being in the entertainment industry is to be bearable to look at, and somehow both Bernie Mac and Forest Whitaker are super famous while flunking that test with flying fucking colors? I don't know about you, but I smell affirmative action afoot.

Unlike other wonky-eyed celebrities, Forest Whitaker forgoes any form of modest wares for his wonky eye. So the best corrective advice I can give him on that front is to perhaps leave the profession.

Shannon Doherty: 911 Wonky

Holy wonking shit! Queen of wonky Shannon Doherty graces us with her lovely face, albeit in a scattered fashion. Unlike Bernie Mac's use of eyewear to compensate for the wonky, Shannon Doherty looks to her own body for solutions (see below).

I suppose constructing a full barrier between us and the wonky is a kind gesture, and the resourceful use of one's own personal growths is thriftier and more practical than springing for that Swarovski-crystal eyepatch her wonky-eye has been eyeing for months now.

Bernie Mac Has a Wonky Eye

Holy wonky hell! Maybe his right eye is just super gregarious like he is. Like many wonky-eyed individuals, Bernie Mac often dons tinted eyewear to trick us, or to perhaps keep ol' Righty-Mac from escaping.